I was contacted to be on a podcast for “Let Freedom Rein” at the beginning of the year.
I couldn’t say no. The podcast is about how horses save us — on a regular basis.
It all started because our friend, JD Steffen, with Hot Tamale Horsemanship, branched out of his comfort zone and took the plunge to be on this podcast. That led to an interview with me, and then of course my other half, Zach, shared his life experiences with horses too.
We talked about the present, dug into my past, and discussed the debilitating anxiety I experienced over the last year. I shared things publicly that only a handful of people in my life knew.
My anxiety had become crippling. I felt like someone was standing on my chest on an almost daily basis.
It wasn’t just a paralyzing anxiety before making runs on my horse: it was before I rode any horse.
I was constantly worried about a worst case scenario and couldn’t enjoy my horses.
I couldn’t enjoy the people in my life. Heck, I could barely enjoy my life.
My ability to see the world (and most people in it) in any light other than a negative light was pretty much nonexistent.
Thankfully, I have overcome that naysaying bitch that lived in my head. I’m finally realizing what it is to believe in myself again; it’s been a long road, but it’s been a good road. And I’m glad I walked it as I feel like I’m in a great position to help others who may be in the same position.
If you have time, you should give my story a listen – and if you love a good podcast, you should add this one to your playlist.
Happy Trails, and Happy Riding, and Happy Listening!
[…] them happen, I’ll have to keep working on me — to be the best me I can be. In the past, my anxiety had literally been crippling me. I feel confident in nailing these goals, now that my anxiety is under […]