We’ve been having some stunningly gorgeous weather here. Like seriously, Summer ran into Fall and they had a baby. A Baby called Falmer. Okay. I am losing it here. The weather has made me deliriously happier than I am on a day-to-day basis!
The days are warm.
They’re nearly windless.
They’re sunny.
The skies are blue and stunning.
I got to go out and see the mares twice last week, and the second time, I packed my big camera. The light was pretty. Absolutely stunning back light. And the day, oh the day. Mid-60s. Sunny. It makes my heart happy.
And so do these images.
I hope fall is treating you well. We are due for some actual fall-like weather this week, and possibly some snow later this week. Just in time for our ranch roping. Yes, there’ll be photos! Also, this week I plan to run a fun giveaway, so stay tuned!
Happy Monday and Happy Trails!
PS: To purchase any of these images, please send me an email, or click the image of those that are available. I’m not the best at keeping my photography sites updated. And if you’re following me on Instagram, you’ve got one more day to get a great deal on some art for your home!
Natalie (2015horse) says
So pretty!