"Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape" - Origin unknown. Sometimes you've got to go with your horse. That was the ...
Colt Cam 2016 – Get your horse ready to bridle
It's been a year or better since we've had a Colt Cam Post. And not even because I haven't put any first rides on horses, because I certainly have, ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles
If you don't follow me on Instagram or Facebook (though the two aren't playing nice, lately), you've probably missed out on the snippets of video I'm ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles 2015
“You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear. There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles
Well, I'm back with another installment! Not that I haven't been handling colts all the while - though it's been intermittent at best. But it's way ...
Goodbye, My Fridge
Well, I did something I thought I'd never do. I sold my handsome gray colt, DX Frigid Aire. Yes. He's gone. When I rode at the Buck ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles Ride #28
Here's the 28th ride on Fridge. Well not all of it, because I ran out of space on my 32Gb iPhone (because I have a bunch of baby goat video and photos ...
The Colt Cam Chronicle
This week as I rode, I realized a couple things: 1. despite my work at becoming more ambidextrous I'm still very right side dominant. 2. which ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles
I know I haven't shared a video in a couple weeks. I have a legitimate reason: 1. The week before last it was colder than a well digger's... 2. ...
The Colt Cam Chronicles
This weekend the neighbors came over on Saturday to practice their heeling and ride their horses before they went roping Sunday. I was glad because ...