As I have shared before, Fall is my favorite season. The air is crisp, the wind blows, the calves are big and fat (hopefully) and you get to see all your neighbors and friends when it comes time to work their calves and they call you to come help. Yesterday was just such a day!
And honestly, not that we don’t have an utterly gorgeous plot of earth upon which to raise our critters, because there aren’t a lot of places on earth that are prettier than where we live, the pasture we gathered yesterday is probably my favorite pasture to ride.
Travel back in time- to wide open, fence-free plains and you’ll have an idea what yesterday was like. We drove north into the pasture a full 6.2 miles where we then unloaded the horses. We would end up riding roughly 8.5 miles. Eight glorious miles of pushing cows. It was a blustery day yesterday, but the best part about that wind was that it was a southern wind, and cows LOVE to travel into the wind. That made the gathering easy. Some of the cattle even wanted to kick up their heels as they know fall has arrived! I also always enjoy the calves that look at you and your horse with this curiosity of cat- take a step to them and they’ll jump and run back to their mamas.
wcgillian says
What a great description of your surroundings. You make me miss my South Dakota days. Sorry about your Grandmother's passing.
"Life cannot be determined by birth nor death alone, for the human spirit knows no bounderies, anymore than does the ocean's edge!" Randizim by Randy J. Cole
Maureen@IslandRoar says
It sounds like heaven, and one that few people get to experience in their lifetime.
Thanks for painting such a great vivid picture!
Bina says
Excellent outlook Jenn! You are such a wonderful, loving, caring spirit. No wonder you are so good with horses! And you are very fortunate, cause you have the life I've always wanted!