The December 10th prompt for Reverb10 is Wisdom. They ask- What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? That is a ...
Reverb10 asks: What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans. That's easy. ...
Beautifully Different
The reverb prompt for today was the following: Beautifully different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. ...
The Reverb10 prompt for today was Community: Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, ...
Today, I'm coming to you live from Las Vegas so my blogging might be scarce this week. But I'll try to do the best I can to keep up. Today's ...
Let Go
Sometimes, letting go is difficult. Sometimes, letting go is easy. Sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for the sake of your ...
I Wonder
Today's Reverb10 prompt says this: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? My every-day life is filled with this ...
A Moment in Time
It's one of those mornings when you can feel the energy in the air. You don't mind that you got up early. You don't even mind that it's foggy, or cool ...
The reverb10 word of the day is writing. The ...
One Word
One. Word. To encompass the entire year of 2010. Growth. I chose the word growth to encompass 2010 because I believe I grew exponentially ...