In a perfect world we'd get a new pickup every 4-6 years- or at 100 thousand miles instead of driving the ones we have into the ground. But in the ...
Fall Shots in Photos
It's no secret that fall is one of my favorite times of year. Maybe it's the birthdays, or maybe it's that the weather has cooled down or that the ...
Spinning in Redemption
I have not participated in the Spin Cycle in like forevah, but it's because I've been busy. I really miss reading what everyone else has to say on any ...
Spinning in A Holiday
When you can get up every morning and do what your heart desires, every day is a holiday. When you periodically find cows in your yard, every day ...
Techie, Anyone?
If it were not for, I think my life would be a complete loss. Well, okay, not a complete loss, but since we do live miles and miles from ...
Spinning in Stress
We've all heard them- the little dittys: Don't sweat the small stuff. Be the bigger person. Don't let that person (insert name) and their (insert ...
A Role in the Hay
Well not really, but this week's Spin is about roles, and I figured what a better way to get your attention than with a title like that, right? I ...
Spinning in Quotes
I realize I've been absent from the weekly Spin Cycle that Jen over at Sprites Keeper moderates, because, frankly, it's springtime here in South ...
Me Me Me Me Me….
I am going to be gone this weekend to a clinic- remember I mentioned this a couple weeks ago? So you'll get to read some awesome writing from some ...
Spinning in Necessity
As is per usual for this week's Spin Cycle, I procrastinated and waited until the morning it was due to write it and turn it in. This week's topic is ...